quantum bioresonance works through the law of Resonance - a fundamental principle that explains the power of vibrational frequencies in shaping our reality. it suggests the frequency of our thoughts, words and actions have a magnetic quality, drawing in similar energy from the external world. bioresonance is the language of the universe and how your mind, body and soul communicate.
in quantum physics, resonance is a phenomena where an external force responds strongest to a force that matches its own natural frequency of vibration. when applied to a living being, resonance brings the subtle body (the field of energy & information that surrounds and interpenetrates the body) into harmony. Quantum potential frequencies - is the concept that within the quantum field, all potential outcomes exist as various electromagnetic frequencies, meaning different possibilities can be accessed by aligning one's energy with the desired frequency.
“Holistic Health can be understood as the coherence of the human being as a whole including his organism, mind, and relationship to his environment.” - Marcus Schmieke, Healy world founder